Two older women taking a selfie

Age Without Limits Action Day

The Action Day is a chance for everyone to do something to change the way we all think and act about age and ageing.

It’s an annual day for individuals and communities, workplaces, friends and families to learn, take action and change the way we think about ageing.

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What's the Action Day about?

This year it is on 20th March 2024 and the theme is See and be Seen.

This is all about challenging the often narrow, negative and stereotypical way that older people and ageing is portrayed in our society. We have a fantastic image library which showcases the huge diversity that exists in ageing. After all, you cannot be what you cannot see. You can use this as inspiration, share these images or create your own. The possibilities are without limits.  

What events will be happening?

There will be lots of events and activities taking place on the day. 

To celebrate our first Age Without Limits Action Day we're hosting an exhibition of photography in central London that celebrates the huge diversity across ages and shows there is no one way to grow old.

Find the latest events taking place in your area here. Events are put on by Age-friendly Communities and other local groups. All events are free to go to.

If you are running a public event, please send us a brief description (no more than half a sheet of A4) detailing where your activity is taking place, when on the day, what you’re doing, and whether your event is open to the public. Please include permission for us to include it in a listing on our website:

How can I get involved?

There are lots of different ways to take part in the day and we’ve created some resources packed with activities and ideas to get you going - but don’t feel limited by our suggestions, the possibilities are limitless. The way you interpret the theme See and Be Seen is up to you. We encourage you to get creative, and think of unusual ways to mark the day that mean something to you, your community or your workplace.  

Our free, downloadable materials, to support you in whatever you do to mark the Age Without Limits Action are available here.